Mortgage Loan Modification

Who should request a Mortgage Loan Modification?

A loan modification is typically for individuals who are facing financial difficulties and are struggling to make their monthly mortgage payments.

This can include:

  • Homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments: Those who have missed one or more payments and are at risk of foreclosure.

  • Homeowners who are experiencing financial hardship: Those who have experienced a change in income, job loss, medical emergency, or other financial setbacks that have made it difficult to make their mortgage payments.

  • Homeowners who are underwater on their mortgage: Those who owe more on their mortgage than their home is worth, making it difficult to sell the property or refinance.

  • Homeowners who have adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs): Those whose monthly payments have increased due to an ARM resetting to a higher interest rate.

  • Homeowners who have interest-only or negative amortization mortgages: Those who have mortgages with unusually low monthly payments that don't cover the principal, leading to a growing balance.

Loan modifications can help these homeowners by:

  •  Reducing their monthly mortgage payment

  • Extending the length of the loan

  • Changing the interest rate or type of loan

  • Waiving fees or penalties

  • Allowing for a temporary reduction in payment

Short sale

Who should request a Short sale?

Homeowners that are experiencing:

  • Financial hardship due to job loss, medical issues, or divorce

  • Negative equity, where the home's value is lower than the mortgage amount

  • High debt-to-income ratio

  • Risk of foreclosure or already being behind on payments

  • Unaffordable mortgage payment increases

  • Serious health issue or disability affecting mortgage payments

  • Divorce or separation

Deed in Lieu

Homeowners that are experiencing:

  • Severe financial hardship

  • Missed multiple payments

  • High probability of foreclosure

  • Unaffordable mortgage

  • No equity in the property

  • Who wants to avoid credit score damage

  • Who wants to Simplify the process

Who should request a Deed in Lieu?